Shed 02

Shed 02 responds to a constrained position in a
long and narrow residential garden, to provide a small studio workshop, a
garden workstation and dedicated bike storage.
The construction process was driven by an economical approach to material use, to meet the brief and the design ambition.
A concrete slab was cast in situ to provide a footing and the internal floor finishes. The structural frame was constructed in studwork and spruce plywood panels on site, sized to suit off-the-shelf material sizes. Once erected, the panels provide the internal finishes for the spaces.
Externally, Onduline provides the corrugated finish, with galvanised steel panels providing a continuous plinth on all sides. Window and door frames, made in our workshop, completed the envelope of the building.
Cost: £12k
Status: Built
The construction process was driven by an economical approach to material use, to meet the brief and the design ambition.
A concrete slab was cast in situ to provide a footing and the internal floor finishes. The structural frame was constructed in studwork and spruce plywood panels on site, sized to suit off-the-shelf material sizes. Once erected, the panels provide the internal finishes for the spaces.
Externally, Onduline provides the corrugated finish, with galvanised steel panels providing a continuous plinth on all sides. Window and door frames, made in our workshop, completed the envelope of the building.
Cost: £12k
Status: Built